I was sleeping in the room next to Georgi so thought that a great tactic would be to lie on my back and snore for four hours keeping her awake then shoot off. “How long is too long?” was therefore 4 hours. Which would wake me at 1230, A relaxed breakfast then on the road by 1am, the perfect time to start day three, and a serious c [...]
” I’d drastically over achieved my wildest expectations for day one. I felt proud and content, all that was needed now was to consolidate it all with four hours sleep then hang in for three more days.”
To read pt 1 first click >>HERE<<
I’d set my countdown timer for 4 hours while brushing my teeth, using [...]
In an age when unsupported Ultra endurance events in all shapes and sizes are popping up all over the place Bikingman Oman is the package tour of Endurance cycling races which includes:
Fixed published route with gps track and “survival map” showing food/water stops along the way.
Mainly quiet main roads.
Two manned [...]