Hi I’m Shane Little. Join me on my journey through Africa by bicycle. Which started in Cape Town November 2011.
To read about my previous trips, gear, tips and tricks go to www.shanecycles.com.
With this blog I hope to captivate you, inspire and move you but will probably just bore or even upset you…….
To read the story from the start click HERE.
1975: Born on a cool smoggy March morning in Newcastle upon Tyne.
1975-1978: Learning to eat, sleep, walk and shit in the right places.
1979: Bloody nose while learning to cycle for the first time. The world becomes a better place.
1980: Time for school, the world sucks.
1985: Discovers the wonder and magic of walking in the mountains during a week away with the St Johns Ambulance cadets.
1986: Falls in love for the first time.
1987: The first broken heart.
1991: To get a couple of afternoons off school inquires about joining the army, does tests, interviews and medical. Oops, your in the army now!
1991-1993: An army apprenticeship at Princes Marina College and the hardest 2 years of his life so far.
1993-2000: The army life ” join now and travel the world”. Shane spends most of this time in areas of Europe you didn’t want to be in in the early 90’s in your early 20’s.
2000-2011: A new page in life. A little travel, falls in love, moves to the Netherlands, learns Dutch, buys a house, gets married, gets a dog, gets divorced, moves house, new girlfriend and all that other crap that your supposed to do between 25-35.
2008: Shane discovers his true passion, and starts planning a cycling trip in Thailand, the seeds are sown.
2009: New year, new life. Cycling in Thailand for a month, then 3 months cycling coast to coast in America. Quote: ” It was nice to be off work for 3 months but I’ll never do a long cycling trip again”. Back at work for a week and quote: “I need to get out of here, I’m going to start saving for the biggest cycling trip of my life”.
2010: Plotting, scheming, saving and working up the courage to Live Life Now!!!
2011 onwards: Another new page in life. Shane leaves his girlfriend, home and work to become The ex-boyfriend, The Adventurer, A bum without a pension. Life is great!!
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